We look after 100 kids from the age of 5-18 years old. Mostly Hmong, these children come from unfortunate backgrounds where access to proper care and education is limited. We reach out to these families by our gound network and carry out our child surveys before ascertaining that they would be better cared for with us than remaining in their villages. We also work closely with Thailand’s Ministry of Social Development and Human Security ( MSDHS ) to accept children in grave danger to our Home. These children will be taken care by us till they are 18 years old after which we will try to look for sponsorship for their tertiary education if they decide to pursue that path.

Together with a Cotton On Foundation initiative, we are also running a Centre of English Excellence to improve the English proficiency of the children with us and also all students in the village schools near us. We have hired a team of 6 English teachers to go to the schools daily to carry out English lessons which are very lacking in Thai schools. Besides the usual touristy towns of Bangkok, Chiangmai, Phuket, rural Thais hardly speak any English. In a English Proficiency report published by the World Economic Forum, Thailand placed 16th out of 19 countries in Asia, fairing just a little worse than Kazakhstan which is 15th on the list. The report also found that better English in a country relates to better income . With this in mind, we decided that one way to improve lives here was to improve their level of English Proficiency so that they can have better employment opportunities.
Centre of Learning for Organic Farming
This programme aims to discourage the use of pesticides and harmful chemicals that are being used excessively throughout Thailand. Every year many Thai farmers fall seriously ill from rampant use of such pesticides, especially amongst the Hmong farmers who are a majority of cabbage farmers. We expose and educate our children to safe organic farming techniques with the hope that they will in turn be able to pass on the knowledge when they return to their community one day. At the same time we also provide them with healthy food and nutrition from farm to table as our organic farm is almost self sufficient.
Community Development
Together with volunteer teams, we target families most in need of assistance via food and supplies distribution. We are also looking to work with churches to provide moral and spiritual guidance by engaging the youth in faith based fun and healthy activities like sports and music concerts.
With 4 main programmes, ASK Foundation hopes to empower more marginalised members of the local community. We welcome and thank all who would like to undertake this blessed journey together with us to help the less fortunate. As we embark together on this journey let us keep this in mind when Paul spoke “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.‘” Acts 20:35

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord
Colossians 3:23